
Slicer Settings

Repetier Host:

Printer Settings: The following settings should be used in the Repetier Host software to connect to the Duplicator I3. Some of the settings may have to be tweaked to fit your setup (bed size, etc). Remember to Click ADD to add the settings then Click Apply:

  • Connection (Serial Port will be Computer specific):
  • Behaviour:
  • Dimension:
  • Advanced:


These are the only parameters I had to change (apart from choosing Prusa i3 as a machine on the first startup wizard of Cura):

Basic tab:

  • Layer height: 0.1mm or 0.2mm (I would first recommend 0.2mm)
  • Print speed: 50mm/sec
  • Printing temp: 190 C
  • Bed temp: 45 C
  • Filament: Diameter: 1.75 mm (you might wanna measure that more precisely if you have access to a digital caliper)
  • Flow: 100% (I think this was the default already)

Advanced tab:

  • Nozzle size: 0.4mm
  • Travel speed: 100mm/sec
  • Infill speed: 60mm/sec

All of the above parmaeters are VERY important to be changed from their defaults, otherwise you will for sure have many problems.

A bit unfortunate that the official Cura guide from Wanhao does not mention these parameters at all, e.g. that you need to change them from the default. Actually, to be honest, I have not tried the installed on the SD card, maybe somehow they already haved baked these parameter values in the installer somehow, but I doubt.


Commercial (paid for) slicing software with mesh repair options. Powerful and fast.